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“Spoilsport.” Rick patted his rear with a saucy grin.
“Uh huh. You’ll change your tune later.” With a fleeting kiss, he ushered Rick from the room.
“All yours,” Rick said as he strolled into the living room.
Copper glanced up at their arrival. Sparks flashed in his eyes as he lifted his head and sniffed. “There’s food in the oven.” He glanced at Dillon then Rick before striding past them and down the hall. The door closed loudly in the silent house.
Having resigned himself to Rick’s wishes, he felt a large weight relieved from his shoulders. With no more need to fight his attraction, he decided to watch the kitty squirm and enjoy every minute. Dillon hid his smile. The lion recognized the musky scent of desire, judging from the taut expression on his face and his antsy weight shifting before he abruptly left the room. Let him be aware of them, tempt him and tease him. For he knew one thing. As soon as this case closed, he would be bending the lion over and mounting up to give Copper the ride of his life.
“He smells us all right.” Rick grinned wickedly.
“Let him. The more he craves, the better.”
“In the meantime?” the beta asked.
“We eat, check on Tryst then we have some unfinished business back at our hotel.” Dillon’s tone dropped to one of sultry promise.
“Damn fine idea.” Rick headed into the small kitchen. “Guess that’s why you’re an alpha.”
Dillon snorted then followed. “You’re asking for it.”
“Anytime, Alpha. Anywhere.” Rick licked his lips, chuckled then opened the oven to peer in.
Chapter Nine
After grabbing the soapy washcloth, Copper ran the sudsy material over his face, chest and stomach then hurried cleaning under the hot spray of the shower. Time ticked on how much steamy water remained, as well as when the pork roast would be heated to satisfaction.
He bent over and wiped his legs before straightening again, brushing the cloth over his engorged cock. A shot of pleasure hurtled straight through him, even as his erection jumped with the necessary contact.
Damn it. Copper swore for the tenth time since bringing the pair of wolves home. He’d been wrestling with a heightened libido and nearly constant arousal since Rick had walked into his office. Under other circumstances, he would’ve welcomed the driving need, even pursued the object of his raging desire. This time too many obstacles stood in his way.
They were a bonded pair. No matter how often he reminded himself of the fact, his inner lion ignored the blatant detail and clamored for intimacy with the wolves. Sure, there were bonded mates who would occasionally invite another individual to their bed, even with felines—however, never as a potential third mate, not with a different species. While he might carry a few sins and have participated in some wild adventures, he drew the line at being someone’s fuck buddy for a night, only to be dismissed the next morning. One-night stands didn’t bother him when someone caught his eye and marginally gained his interest, when both parties agreed and understood nothing would come of the encounter.
Unfortunately, the wolves did much more than that. They kept him on a simmering burner just waiting for the heat to be cranked up. Hot, sexy and unmistakably in their prime, they called to his inner beast, promising hours of endless rides to rapture. Once wouldn’t suffice. He’d want them time and again. Thus, better to avoid the whole impossible situation than to jump in and suffer great disappointment. Besides, Dillon wore his alpha-ness like a badge. Doubtful he would submit long enough to take a receiving role. Although Copper had bottomed a few times, he’d be damned if he let just anyone invade his ass—and only if the tables would be turned later. None of this seemed possible, given what the pair were.
Fuck it all. He might not be able to have them in real life, but damned if he couldn’t use them in his deepest fantasies.
He dropped the rag and wrapped his hand around his throbbing dick. Encircling his manhood with his fingers, he began a fast-paced, jerky motion, the soap providing enough lubrication for his objective. With a snug grip, he measured himself from just behind the large mushroom head to the base, as his mind recalled a naked Rick and Dillon standing in his living room earlier.
To have them both at his command, licking and sucking, priming one another for the intense session to come. Dillon, the alpha, wouldn’t bend easily, but he would for Copper, over the arm of the couch, as Copper drilled his ass. Rick would kneel before Dillon, his talented tongue licking and tasting his partner, finally swallowing every drop of the man’s semen as he shot off with Copper buried deep in his waiting hole.
Nearly on cue, his balls drew up, tingling, and tension overcame his body as the first pulse jetted from his slit. Over and over again, waves of ecstasy washed over him, accompanied with another release of cum. Globs of semen splashed to the shower floor, where the water whisked the fluid into the drain.
Overtaken by a pounding climax, Copper could only brace himself against the wall with one hand while continuing his furious caresses, riding the limits of his orgasm. After a long moment, yet way too soon, his breathing returned to normal as the final shudder left his body.
Shit, that felt good.
With one final squeeze, Copper released himself then stepped more fully into the spray, flinching when the water hit his overly sensitive and deflating dick.
The barbs on the mushroom head, which would roughly rake a partner’s inner core if he were exploring their depths at the time, stood out. A throwback to his feline DNA, the small spikes could prove a catapult to higher passion or send prickly stings through his partner.
After only a few more moments, the barbs receded. The water turned lukewarm, a blatant warning that only cold water remained. He quickly shampooed his hair and finished in record time, shutting off the faucet just as the last bit of heat left the gentle spray. As soon as he’d toweled off, Copper dressed in loose sweats, pulling his wits together once more.
Working with the wolf shifters was conducive to hastening the end of his investigation. Besides, the lion council approved of the wolf council’s assistance, especially since most of the rogue’s followers carried canine genetics. In blunt reality, he was stuck with the men until the case finished, however long that took.
“Better be pretty damn fast.”
His inner beast disagreed mightily. He ignored the voice and stepped into the hallway, his mood not the least improved despite the quickie in the shower. Striding into the living room, he found the men setting the table and gathering up the meat, which had only needed reheating, from the oven.
Rick glanced up and grinned slyly. “We were beginning to wonder. Thought you might have drowned.”
Despite just having jacked off, his cock perked right back up with the scent and visual of the others, even dressed in loose sweats. It’s like I’m in fucking heat. Copper bristled, his emotions on edge.
“No such luck.” His tone cut across the room.
Dillon cracked a smile while Rick’s eyebrow shot up.
“Let’s eat. I have other things to do besides play host to you both.” Copper grumbled, grabbed silverware then placed the items on the table. The wolves had everything else already in place.
He sat down and dug in, keeping his eyes on the two men. Both seemed hungry but in no hurry to gobble down their meal. Instead, they ate in companionable silence, sharing looks now and again. Their body language spoke of relaxation and a bit of amusement, as if they shared some secret that he knew nothing about.
Copper felt neither humor nor contentment. Cranky, frustrated and horny as hell described him at the moment. All the pent-up feelings rolled together set him in a surly mood, which wouldn’t relent until the other men left—and maybe not even then.
Shoveling food in his mouth, he vowed to ignore them and get his mind back where it was supposed to be—looking for a rogue.
Chapter Ten
“You sure?” Rick asked into the phone.
“Yeah. Spring Well House. We’d mee
t every night. Geoff always made a late appearance.”
“From where?”
“No one knew. He came from different directions each time. A couple of the wolves tried to track him by scent but got no more than one hundred yards before losing the trail.” Tryst hacked a couple of times.
Rick heard a female voice in the background.
“I’m fine. Really.” Tryst sighed loudly in the phone.
Rick couldn’t help but grin. He’d received an update from Doc Winston before talking to the juvenile wolf. While Tryst was well on the road to recovery, he already squirmed under the watchful eye of the supreme alphas.
“Giving you a hard time, huh?”
“Kind of.” He puffed out a breath. “But they mean well. It’s just hard trying to fit under their thumb after being on my own for so long.”
“I know. Been there, done that. It’s tough, but you’ll make it through just fine. You’re a smart kid.” Even though Tryst was twenty-two in human years, he stood firmly in the midst of adolescence in shifter terms.
“I don’t feel so smart right now.” His voice faded.
“Hey now. This isn’t your fault. First of all, your pack was a bunch of pricks. Good riddance to them. You stood up to the gang, refused to kill a human. That takes balls in my book. A hell of a lot of courage to buck the system and do what’s right.”
“I guess so.” His voice sounded perkier.
“What does Geoff look like? Anything that makes him stand out?”
A pregnant silence followed. “Not really. He dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt most times. Brown hair. Tall. Thin. Not abnormally thin, just not muscular like you.”
“Okay. Anything else?”
“Oh, I almost forgot. He’s missing the last segment of his right little finger.”
Rick filed the information away. “That’ll help pinpoint him.”
“I wish I could remember more. Some of it is fuzzy still.”
“The information you’re giving us will save lives, Tryst. Without you, we’d be still chasing our tails in the dark. Besides, you were badly injured. Losing details is to be expected.”
“It’s not much…”
“More than we had before. A hell of a lot more.”
“What if they come for me? I don’t want your pack to be attacked because of me.”
Aha. The root of the worry. At least he could honestly alleviate this particular problem.
“Our pack, Tryst. Ours. You just came into the Summit Pack, so you don’t know much about us, yet. Let’s just say the group is more than capable of fending off any invasion, if there was anyone stupid enough to try.” He shook his head. “Don’t fret about it. Heck, just ask the alpha or anyone else. Part of the boundaries established by our council makes for strong bonding between one and all. That includes you, Tryst.” He softened his tone.
“I’ve got to go. If you think of anything else, you have my number.”
“Yep.” The spirit returned to Tryst’s voice.
“Good.” He clicked off.
“Got anything?” Dillon walked into the main area of the hotel room, fidgeting with his shirt.
Rick noted the skin tight jeans and black shirt, snug enough to show off a broad chest and narrow waist. With a freshly shaven face and tousled dark hair, Dillon looked good enough to lick.
“They met at Spring Well House every night. Don’t know where Geoff spent his free time and he was always tardy to the meeting. Tryst said most of the others hung around town, at the local bar, or even holed up in the woods waiting for the get-together. One identifier—he’s missing the last knuckle on his right pinky finger.”
“That’ll help. So we know where they’ll be at night as a group but nothing on the location of the leader.”
“He’s not stupid, Dil. As much as I’d like for him to be predictable and leave a blazing trail straight to his door, he’s simply not going to do it.”
“I know.” Dillon grumbled and stuffed his phone in his back pocket.
Rick saw the agitation and frustration written on his partner’s face, in his actions, and easily heard in his curt words. Dillon had a burr up his butt, and Rick could guess who bore responsibility.
“What’s eating you?”
Dillon met his gaze and frowned. “Nothing.”
“I’m not that easily fooled. Spill.”
“Damn it. It’s nothing.”
“Uh huh. Seems like you and Copper have the same attitude issue. Must be damn contagious amongst alphas.”
Dillon’s eyes narrowed.
“Good thing I’m a mere beta. I’d hate to get all worked up, cranky and nasty tempered.” He took two steps before Dillon wrapped him in his embrace, sealing their lips in a fiery kiss full of promise and emotion.
“Stop yanking my chain.”
“But it’s so much fun.” Rick grinned and initiated the sealing of lips this time.
With a groan, Dillon pulled back, his eyes twinkling with sensual longing. “I’ll show you fun. Later. Work comes first.”
Rick nodded. “I’ll hit one of the local hangouts. Call when you’re ready to meet up and head to the woods tonight.”
“Will do. Tell Copper what’s up.”
“Already on it.” Rick pulled out his phone and punched in a memorized number. He watched Dillon stalk through the door as Copper answered.
* * * *
Dillon slid onto the far corner bar stool and spared a glance at the barkeep, the same black bear who’d served him before. “Yeah.”
“Figured you’d moved on.” The gray-headed man sat a bottle of beer on the table in front of Dillon.
After picking it up, he twisted the cap off and took a sip. “In no rush to move on. I’m starting to like it here.”
Looking over the room, he spotted the same two wolf shifters as before. Where they hung out, trouble soon followed. He didn’t have long to wait. The taller and lighter-haired one made a beeline toward him.
“You’re in my seat.” He sneered.
Dillon set his bottle back on the bar and faced his accuser. “Mine now.” The youths were nowhere near the bar stools when he had come in, meaning the moron just wanted to mess with him, try to throw his weight around. He had picked the wrong person.
“Move it, bastard.”
Already irritable with unfulfilled need, Dillon found the young wolf inflamed mere annoyance into full-blown fury. He glared at the interloper. “Fuck off.”
A low warning growl sounded from the sandy-haired man. “Do you know who you’re talking to?”
Dillon bared his fangs with promise. “A cocky prick about to get his ass kicked.”
Just as the juvenile reached out, the bartender slapped a baseball bat down across the bar right next to them. “Take it outside. You mess up my bar and there will be hell to pay.”
The instigator snapped his teeth but turned and marched for the exit. Dillon nodded toward the barkeep before following the other wolf outside.
No sooner had they reached the parking lot than his opponent swung around. “Ready to die, arrogant dog?” In a quick lunge he dove in, throwing a punch and trying to knock the legs out from under Dillon.
After immediately sidestepping, Dillon kicked, catching the younger man in the gut. The youth recovered quickly, slashing out with extended claws on his human hand. Punching and blocking, he put forth a burst of offense followed quickly by defense as Dillon took a more aggressive role. A flurry of violence ensued before a mighty crack rent the air. The light-haired man yelped and went down to the ground, his arm now hanging uselessly across his body. Showing no mercy, Dillon kneeled and wrapped his fingers around the man’s throat, holding snugly until the other wolf met his gaze.
Dillon growled menacingly. “That’s alpha to you.”
He squeezed for a long moment until the yo
uth looked away, his face full of fear and panic as his air ceased. Only then did Dillon release his strangling grip and stand up. Long seconds ticked by in silence as the challenger caught his breath then slowly returned to his feet, wiped blood from his face and slunk off like a true beta who’d just lost his bid to move to an alpha position.
“You interested in a job?”
“Maybe. What did you have in mind?” Dillon wiped his face with his sleeve and appraised the black bear shifter bartender who had followed them outside.
“Come back in. I’ll buy you a beer, and we’ll talk.”
With a final glance at the youth’s retreating back, Dillon followed the older man indoors. After a brief stop at the fridge for a couple of beers, the bear gestured Dillon back to his original seat.
“Seems to me you’re a hard-ass looking for a place to call home. Just so happens we need someone like you.”
“Our new pack. We need solid leadership for the younger and new members.”
“You want me to alpha your new pack?” Dillon asked.
The bear snorted. “Not top alpha, no. We already have one of those—the founder.”
Dillon masked his avid interest, schooling his features carefully as he opened the new bottle of beer provided by the bear. “Most alphas won’t tolerate another, especially a newcomer.”
“True. But this isn’t a typical wolf pack. Geoff isn’t a traditional top alpha either.”
“Won’t know until I meet him.” He sipped his cold brew.
“Tell you what. Let me make a phone call. Set up a meeting.”
Dillon shrugged. “Fine by me.”
“I can call you after I talk to some people.” The bear took a hearty swig of his drink and swallowed loudly.
Dillon shook his head. “I’ll come back tomorrow night. Have an answer then.” Standing, he didn’t wait for an affirmative response. Instead, he ambled out as if he hadn’t a care in the world.