Entangled Interaction Read online

Page 13

  Then and there, I knew. For as long as I lived, Meat was the only man for me.

  As if sensing my presence, he turned, met my gaze, and stood. A somber expression weighed heavily on his face.

  As much as I wanted to rush over and leap into his arms, I controlled myself. Judging by his body language and expression, he needed to unload some baggage before he'd appreciate an enthusiastic greeting. Ambling over, I didn't stop until I stood a couple feet in front of him.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Better. The healer assures me I'll live."

  "Which I'm very thankful for."

  "Dad told me what you did."

  And there's the source of his irritation. Not like I wasn't expecting a stern lecture for my actions. So be it. I'd do everything exactly the same given the opportunity. "I couldn't…"

  He lifted his hand, stopping my defense. "Thank you."

  I blinked as my mouth gaped open.

  "You should've run like I'd told you numerous times before." A small smile appeared on his face. "But, this once, I can't say I minded your disobedience."

  Closing the distance between us, I threw myself into his arms, hugging him tight. He responded in kind as we stood there simply holding one another.

  Finally, he set me away from him and stared down at me in total seriousness. "Do you need me to open the case?" His subdued and quiet voice matched his stoic expression.


  "No?" His head tilted in bafflement.

  I shook my head. "I don't need the stone. All I need is you."

  For a long moment, he stared at me before releasing a loud whoop. Grabbing me up, he spun around, my feet flying through the air as he chuckled. Finally setting me down, he smiled so wide his fangs flashed in the sunlight. Relief and sheer joy replaced his earlier worry.

  "Thank God. I didn't know what I would've done if you chose otherwise." Leaning in, he pressed a quick kiss to my lips. "I couldn't deny you such happiness, but the thought broke my heart."

  My heart soared with his words. The fact he would put my wishes above his own and the potential consequences of such a decision, humbled and endeared him to me all the more for they shouted exactly how he felt. Love was too simple and shallow a word. I squeezed him hard and met him for another lingering meshing of the lips.

  "I thought of nothing else after Sawyer told me of the possibility. To be honest, I'd already made up my mind then you were injured. All I could think about is how you had to pull through. Then this morning, I had to face the full temptation in order to be absolutely certain. It was a no-brainer." I beamed up at him.

  He leaned in to nuzzle my cheek, marking me with his unique scent. In the past, the action annoyed me from time to time. Today, I reveled in his claim. "I love you, Meat. For as long as I live."

  Meat didn't give me an opportunity to say more. Instead, he sealed his lips over mine. When I opened my eyes again, I found us standing in his bedroom, already naked. I envied the ease with which he teleported us, stripped us bare, and all while distracted as his tongue counted my teeth.

  "Wow." I panted to catch my breath from one of the most passionate kisses Meat had ever planted on me. He set his talented lips to work, licking along my throat, nibbling my earlobe, and laying a trail down my chest.

  "I sure hope our clothes managed to come with us."

  He didn't stop his steamy exploration of my upper body to answer. "Why do you say that?"

  "I'd hate for your father to open his back door and step into my damp Hello Kitty panties."

  "Now that would be something to see." Meat chuckled, the vibrations against my breast added to the highly erotic sensation.

  I traced down his lower back, along his sensitive flanks, and around to lightly grasp Meat's jutting arousal. Measuring him a few times, I squirmed and whimpered when he returned the favor, dipping one large finger into my core. Excitement turned to needy desperation at the speed of sound. I nipped his chest, brushed my thumb over the leaking mushroom tip of his impressive erection, and blatantly rubbed my body against his. Fire ran through my veins, and I couldn't get close enough, kissed enough, or touched enough to do more than add more fuel to the flames. Horny didn't begin to describe the overwhelming sensation of needing Meat so badly it bordered on obsession. Maybe this is how female cats in heat feel? No matter. I couldn't think past getting on the bed and having hot and heavy sex with the man I loved.

  "Please. I need you."

  Meat released my aching nipple with a pop and met my gaze. A low growl rumbled from his throat. Scooping me up, he laid me on the center of the bed, then headed to the bedside table. Opening the drawer, he pulled out a foil package.

  "We don't need that." Whether the decision came from my randy hormones or from just a moment of insanity, no warning bells clanged loudly in my head.

  Turning, he stared at me in astonishment. "Are you sure?"


  A slow smile spread across his face as he tossed the condom aside and crawled across the bed. As he sidled closer, I found his erection and laved the slit with my tongue.

  He settled on his side, and pulled my right leg to rest over his ribs. "Let me taste you at the same time."

  My stomach turned in an exquisite somersault at his words. Eagerly, I set about my task of sucking, licking, and lapping at Meat's glorious cock. Big and bold, I enjoyed him like a delicious Popsicle, greedily swallowing every drop of moisture I coaxed from his tip.

  His tongue drew a sultry circle around my hot spot even as he sank his finger deep inside. I gasped at the flash of pleasure and whimpered for more. Taking my cue, Meat prodded with his tongue and licked my drenched version of the promised land from top to bottom and back again while doubling his presence inside me.

  Finesse forgotten, I struggled to focus my attention between my loving oral affection when my boyfriend set off little cherry bombs with his version of a tongue bath. I squirmed. I wiggled. I moaned. I frantically lapped at his reddened tip as if I'd spent a month in the desert and he possessed the sole well of water inside his outstanding cock.

  He scooted. I followed, reluctant to release my prize.

  A low moan filled the air; absently, I realized the sound emerged from my own throat.

  Meat sat up and watched as I caught the last dewy drop from the end of his turgid erection. Our eyes met and locked for a long moment before he nudged me onto my stomach. "I need inside you. Now."

  I started to lift up on hands and knees only to be stopped by a firm hand on my lower back.

  "No. Just like that. You spread out for my taking." His gravelly tone sent a flutter of excitement through me as I recognized his feline side had decided to come out for playtime. I craved the times when Meat let his kitty half control the lovemaking, relying on animalistic instinct and throwing caution to the wind while allowing me to revel in the submissive role, to enjoy being dominated, covered, and pleasured until I fell into a sated puddle of exhaustion. The fact only added to my already high arousal. Biting, growling, and roughness were a given. As well as too many climatic waves to count. To accept his inner beast was to open myself up to the greatest ecstasy of my life. In other words, hardcore, dirty liger sex was what my fantasies were made of.

  Splaying my legs, I eagerly waited as he moved behind me, nibbling and kissing along the way. He set himself against my folds and thrust deep. I arched my back and cried out, finally filled and a big step closer to the fulfillment I needed like my next breath.

  Stilling, Meat leaned over and nuzzled my cheek before tonguing my ear. "You're so hot and tight. I could spend the rest of my days buried inside." He punctuated his words with a sharp thrust, seeking as deep a penetration as possible.

  "Again. Harder. More."

  "Is this what you want?" He repeated the thrust with more power.

  "Yessssss." I grasped onto the bedspread, holding on and bracing myself for a turbulent ride to nirvana.

  He pulled my earlobe into his mouth and sucked gently. "Mine.
All mine."

  "Yes." I mewed and panted, my entire world narrowing to the sensation of his cock buried inside my feminine walls, filling me completely, while pushing me toward the pinnacle, one hard stroke at a time.

  Sharp teeth nipped the tender skin of my ear. "Say it. Say you're mine." He picked up the pace, spearing in with short, yet strong thrusts. Our bodies slapped together in a loud rhythm, forming a harmony with our increased breathing.

  So close, I teetered on the edge, needing just a bit more to send me crashing over the edge. "I'm yours." I pushed, arched, and squirmed, anything to hit just the right spot. Desperate, I whimpered in blatant need.

  "Mate." He growled the word against my neck.

  "Mate." The word came out as a muted scream as he bit down, providing just the catalyst I needed.

  Long fangs sank into my shoulder as he sprinted for the finish line. Caught up in the whirlwind, I flew straight to nirvana with a cry of raw ecstasy. Warm spurts coated my clenching walls, encouraging the muscles to milk each and every drop from the swollen cock still buried in their depths, which gave so much pleasure.

  Panting, I rode the waves in the aftermath, gasping as my orgasm continued, reveling in the tightness of Meat's still hard cock joining our bodies together. He chuffed as his body covered mine, his scent sticking to me as he rubbed his skin against mine. A sign of alpha liger ownership if I'd ever seen one.

  Not that I minded. Oh, no. If my wearing his unique scent made the man I loved as happy as he made me, I'd gladly soak in the stuff daily for the rest of my life.

  By the time I caught my breath, a couple of things caught my attention. First, Meat's erection hadn't diminished in the least and he resumed his prior in and out motion with less intensity, though he'd rolled us both to our sides in a spoon position. He licked the bite wound on my shoulder and purred as he nuzzled my cheek and murmured. A bit surprising, they didn't take the cake compared to the other big issue. At first, I didn't think I heard correctly.

  "What did you say?"

  He lifted up enough for me to twist around to peer up in to his face. After brushing his lips over mine, he looked deep into my eyes. "Marry me."

  Boundless joy erupted inside me. I didn't have to think about the answer one iota, not when those two little words fulfilled a dream. "Yes! Absolutely, yes!"

  Meat sealed our lips and kissed me like tomorrow would never come. I met his passion and added more, throwing my whole heart and soul into not only the kiss, but the lovemaking that followed.


  Six months later

  The boys woke me when they threw open the door and galloped in. After scrambling on the bed, they both started jumping in excitement. "Daddy. Wake up. Circus day."

  I curled on my side and watched as the twins bombarded Meat, who they eagerly accepted as their new father a month ago. The cozy ceremony included family and friends but left out the big hoopla of high budget weddings, much to my relief. Though lacking in size and grandeur, I was more than happy with the outcome. The boys shared ring bearer duties and couldn't be more thrilled to finally have Meat as the only dad they'd ever known.

  "Circus. Want to see circus."

  Meat sat up and grinned. "Boys, it's seven am. The circus doesn't start until one. Which means we're in no hurry."

  I snorted. 'We' obviously meant the adults and not the kids, judging by their increased bounciness on the squeaking bed. I felt like a kayak on a turbulent ocean, the waves sending my stomach quickly into seasick mode. Taking a deep breath, I tried to ignore the unpleasant sensation.

  "Tell you what." Meat grabbed Chance and set him on the floor beside the bed. Sasha soon followed. "Please tell Mrs Hooper to feed you breakfast. By that time, your mother and I should be up and around."

  "Okay." They both gave him a big hug, then dashed out the door at full speed.

  Sasha skidded to a stop and turned. "I love you, Daddy."

  Meat beamed. "I love you too, son."

  With a small wave, he sprinted after his brother.

  The matronly old tiger shifter had been Meat's nanny way back when. When he asked if she would accept the role of housekeeper/nanny for us, she eagerly accepted. She turned out to be an absolute asset and a dear friend as well. Luckily, she understood about newlyweds and shifter consummation needs.

  I shook my head. They listened to Meat so much better than they ever listened to me. Talk about unfair.

  "Why the frown?" He scooted back down in the bed and rubbed his nose against mine.

  "My stomach didn't care for the small tsunami that rolled through."

  He stared at me for a long moment, then lifted the sheets from my pajama-clad body. We learned a while back to wear clothes when we slept or to lock the door, otherwise we'd be caught naked by little interlopers.

  Starting with my neck, he began a thorough scent appraisal, sniffing me like a big bouquet of flowers. By the time he reached my femininity, a wide smile covered his face.

  My 'something is up' radar pinged loudly. "What?"

  "Oh, nothing."



  "If you're going to tell me I stink then you might want to reconsider."

  He chuckled, nuzzled my cheek, and covered my stomach with one large hand. "Not even close to stinking. In fact, you smell delicious. Delectable. Lickable. Yummy." He punctuated each word with a kiss.



  My mouth fell open as my mind tried to process the word. "Pregnant?"

  Meat grinned so wide, his fangs showed. "Oh, definitely pregnant. You're carrying my cub."

  "Cub?" I blinked and tried to kick my stuttering mind into gear. "I'm having kittens?"

  Wrapping me in his embrace, he rolled, pulling me on top of him. Once settled, he pushed the hair out of my face and held my gaze. "Not kittens. You're having my baby. A little girl."

  Finally, the meaning sank in. Pregnant with Meat's little girl meant we were true mates. My heart buoyed as happiness filled my being. I beamed, leaned down, and sealed my lips over my husband's, not breaking until a need for oxygen demanded a momentary pause.

  "I can't believe it." A little girl to complete our lives.

  He held me tight and nibbled my earlobe. "Believe it."

  "How do you know it's a girl?" Sure, shifters possessed an exceptional sense of smell, but to differentiate between the sex of a baby when it's barely there seemed farfetched.

  "She smells like a girl. All flowery."

  "As opposed to…?"

  He shrugged. "Boy things?"

  I shook my head and reveled in the joyful moment while doing some quick math. "Don't tell me we made her…"

  His wicked grin outshone the sun. "Oh yeah. Two days ago when we tried the scarves and my liger came out to play."

  The memories flooded my already overwhelmed mind, but enough filtered through for my stomach to do another flip-flop, this time in sensual anticipation of more liger kitty sex. His dominant beast taking my submissive and vulnerable person. Oh, my.

  As if reading my mind, Meat pulled my head down for a spicy lip lock. I shook my head and sat up.

  He tilted his head as his brow furrowed.

  "First things first. Shutting and locking the door." I climbed off him, quickly completed the task, and prayed Mrs Hooper would keep the boys entertained for quite a bit longer. Meat snapped his fingers. My clothes immediately disappeared as did his.

  With an impish smile, I climbed back on the bed and licked my lips. "All we need now is chocolate."

  A flash later, he held a bowl in one hand and chocolate syrup in the other. "Your wish is granted."

  I laughed and stared lovingly down at my husband. My mate. The love of my life, father of my boys and the little girl I carried.

  Life is pretty darn good.

  * * * *

  Three days later

  "If you intend to strip me down and have decadent kitty sex right in front of your whole pride, I'll whap you upside the
head." My stomach rolled. "If I don't puke on you first."

  Meat walked over, a bright smile plastered on his face. The cheesy grin hadn't budged for three days since he woke up Tuesday morning, sniffed me like a bouquet of fresh flowers, and declared me pregnant with his little girl. Nuzzling my cheek, he blew in my ear. The little trick combined with a rub on my flat abdomen calmed my rebellious belly.

  "Now would I do such a thing?"

  I snorted. "Well, yeah." I added a pout for good measure.

  He kissed the moue away. "What can I say? You're sexy as hell and your new scent is downright intoxicating. But I'll try to control myself. Just this once."

  "Uh huh."

  Absently, I turned the diamond ring on my left finger. Other changes had occurred as well as Meat and I getting married and becoming pregnant. Jessica and Bas were an item. So much so, they bought the house from me, eliminating the question of where the boys, Meat, and I would live. Since Meat already had a home, a much larger and fancier one, we opted to move into his, leaving my first home to the new lovebirds with the hopes that little feet would pitter patter up and down the stairs again soon once the pair decided to try for much wanted children.

  Cannibal still ruled my work life but had mellowed a hair since my wedding. Considering he paid me a glorious bonus out of his own pocket for a wonderland honeymoon, I'd tolerate his return to groundhog manners without a single complaint.

  "Don't fret so much. It's just a mating ceremony."

  Yeah, right. Just a mating ceremony. For a human, those words shared an unsettling category with 'we just ran out of ketchup' or 'the only seats available are beyond the nosebleed section'. Considering Meat had been less than informative with details, I could only imagine what might occur.

  "When are you going to tell me what this big day entails?"